Introduction to DPI in printing

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Two types of electronic graphics

Bitmap is a mapping from some domain (for example, a range of integers) to bits. It is also called a bit array or bitmap index.A bitmap consists of multiple square pixels of different or the same color, which can be distorted when zoomed in or out.

Successful Expo in Shanghai and New Technology Introduced by Sprinter!

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The 29th Shanghai Int'l Sign & Advertising Technology and Equipment Exhibition ended on July 24th after 4-day display of latest technology and new equipments from hundreds of China manufacturers.

This is a great show, attracted customers from different cities of China, especially in the period with risk of pandemic infection and chanllenges in business expanding.

Sprinter, as one of the major digital printier manufacturers in China market, has taken 4 models UV printer to the expo. Nice machines with high quality and high speed printing works attracted a lot of visitors.


Sprinter Booth


Meeting Area


Printer --5m uv hybrid


Printer - High speed UV flatbed


Printer - 2m UV hybrid



Printer - 3.2m UV Hyrbid


Sprinter has won the awards of APPPEXPO Benchmarking Enterprise in 2021





New Technology New Solution

On this expo, we have showed our new machine--LATEX L2500. This is the first latex printer under the brand SWINNER, a new subordinate brand from Sprinter.


L2500 uses water based latex ink on a wide range of applications and materials such as soft signage, wallpapers, vehicle graphics, banners and vinyl. With uses both indoor and outdoor, the ability to print on both coated and uncoated materials makes this method of printing extremely versatile.


Latex printing has been found to be a great solution for many businesses thanks to its quality, durability and ease of use. Even though it is one of the newest ink technologies available, all of the limitations such as high-temperature drying and poor scratch-resistance have been overcome, and printers and inks still continue to be improved as demand grows.

If you would like to achieve the best possible printing results whilst saving money, protecting the environment and delivering quality products, you should consider latex printing.


Contact Us

Shanghai Factory Address:
No.59 Hangfan Road,Hangtou Town,Pudong District,Shanghai, China

Mobile & WhatsApp & Wechat: +86 13391166625
Contact Person: Mr. Jack liu

Yixing Factory Address:
Building#D6, Yixing Chuangye Park, No.109 Jingyi North Rd, Qiting Street,
Yixing City, Jiangsu Province, China


Business Union of Chinese Cities National 24-Hour Service Number : (0086) 4008-757-597

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